“조합원의 운명은 금속노조의 운명이다”
영남의 금속노조 조합원들과 전국 조선소 노동자들의 성난 물결이 경남도청 앞을 가득 메웠다.
금속노조 S&T중공업지회 조합원들은 고용노동부 창원지청을 출발해 도청을 향했다. 노조 경남지부를 비롯한 영남권 지부, 지회 조합원들은 더불어민주당 경남도당 앞에서 약식 결의대회를 열고 도청으로 행진을 시작했다.
행진 대오는 경남도청을 돌아 행진하는 STX조선지회와 조선업종노조연대 노동자들과 합류해 도청으로 행진을 계속했다. 비가 오는 가운데 도청을 향하는 노동자들은 절박한 심정으로 생존권 보장을 요구하는 팻말을 들고 있었다.
▲ 금속노조와 경남지부, 조선업종노조연대가 6월 25일 경남도청 앞에서 ‘STX조선, S&T중공업 사내하청 해고 반대·합의 이행 촉구, 두산그룹사 구조조정 금속노조 영남권·조선노연 생존권 사수 결의대회’를 열고 있다. 창원=신동준 |
▲ 김호규 위원장이 6월 25일 경남도청 앞 ‘STX조선, S&T중공업 사내하청 해고 반대·합의 이행 촉구, 두산그룹사 구조조정 금속노조 영남권·조선노연 생존권 사수 결의대회’에서 “조합원의 운명은 금속노조의 운명이다”라며 “한 명의 조합원도 고용불안에 떨지 않도록 금속노조가 든든한 뒷배가 되겠다”라고 약속하고 있다. 창원=신동준 |
금속노조와 경남지부, 조선업종노조연대가 6월 25일 경남도청 앞에서 ‘STX조선, S&T중공업 사내하청 해고 반대·합의 이행 촉구, 두산그룹사 구조조정 저지, 생존권 사수 금속노조 영남권·조선노연 생존권 사수 결의대회’를 열었다.
대회사에서 김호규 노조 위원장은 “지금은 단순히 코로나 19 사태로 인한 위기 국면이 아니다. 새로운 사회를 향해 금속노조가 투쟁을 시작해야 하는 시기이고, 오늘이 그 시작이다”라고 힘주어 말했다.
김호규 위원장은 “조합원의 운명은 금속노조의 운명이다”라며 “한 명의 조합원도 고용불안에 떨지 않도록 금속노조가 든든한 뒷배가 되겠다”라고 약속했다.
류조한 민주노총 경남지역 본부장은 경남지역 노동자들의 고용 문제에 김경수 경남도지사가 직접 나서야 한다고 촉구했다.
류조한 본부장은 “경남 노동자의 생존권 문제를 논의하자며 도지사 면담을 요청했더니 ‘바빠서 만날 수 없으니 경제부지사를 만나라’라는 답이 돌아왔다. 노동자는 ‘이러다 다 죽는다’라고 아우성치는데 도지사는 무엇 때문에 바빠서 시간이 없다는 말인가”라고 강력하게 비판했다.
▲ 금속노조 영남권 지부 조합원들이 6월 25일 더불어민주당 경남도당 앞에서 금속노동자 생존권 사수 결의대회를 열고 있다. 창원=신동준 |
조경근 노조 현대중공업지부장은 조선노연 투쟁사에서 “우리에겐 18만 금속노조의 연대가 있다”라며 강력한 연대투쟁을 강조했다.
조경근 지부장은 “현대중공업 법인 분할 투쟁에 연대해준 영남의 노동자들에게 감사드린다. 법인 분할 투쟁으로 많은 조합원이 해고되고 검찰 조사와 재판을 받고 있지만, 현대중공업지부는 영남의 노동자들과 연대해 싸우겠다”라고 결의했다.
“김경수 경남도지사는 노동자 절규에 답하라”
홍지욱 노조 경남지부장은 대회를 마무리하며 “금속노조 경남지부는 지금 서있는 곳에서 물러서지 않고 총파업 투쟁을 준비하겠다”라고 선언했다.
홍지욱 지부장은 “생존권을 지키기 위해 투쟁하는 조합원들은 어떤 일이 있어도 실망하고 걱정하지 마시라. 금속노조와 민주노총 100만이 함께 싸울 것이다”라고 투쟁 의지를 북돋웠다.
홍지욱 지부장은 김경수 경남도지사를 향해서 “경남 노동자들의 생존권을 지키기 위한 도지사의 역할을 제대로 하라. 그렇지않으면 노동자들 손으로 도지사 자리가 박살 날 수도 있다”라고 강력하게 경고했다.
▲ 류조한 민주노총 경남지역 본부장이 6월 25일 경남도청 앞 ‘STX조선, S&T중공업 사내하청 해고 반대·합의 이행 촉구, 두산그룹사 구조조정 금속노조 영남권·조선노연 생존권 사수 결의대회’에서 경남지역 노동자들의 고용 문제에 김경수 경남도지사가 직접 나서야 한다고 촉구하고 있다. 창원=신동준 |
▲ 영남의 금속노조 조합원들과 전국 조선소 노동자들이 6월 25일 경남도청 앞에서 ‘STX조선, S&T중공업 사내하청 해고 반대·합의 이행 촉구, 두산그룹사 구조조정 저지, 생존권 사수 금속노조 영남권·조선노연 생존권 사수 결의대회’를 벌이기 위해 행진하고 있다. 창원=신동준 |
STX조선지회는 지난 2018년 노동자 75% 정리해고 대신 2년 무급휴직의 고통을 감내하며 공장을 지키기 위해 헌신했다. 산업은행은 약속을 어기고 3년 무급휴직과 인건비 삭감을 강요하고 있다. STX조선 지난 6월 1일부터 무기한 전면파업을 벌이며 싸우고 있다.
조선소 하청노동자들은 2016년과 2017년 조선업 대량해고 사태 당시 7만 명이 일터에서 쫓겨났다. 대우조선은 올해 코로나를 핑계로 하청노동자 4천 명을 해고하겠다고 한다.
박정원·박지원 두산 자본 일가의 무능 경영으로 두산중공업 노동자 1,200여 명이 구조조정에 내몰렸다. 박씨 일가는 수십 년 동안 수백억 원을 배당금을 챙겼지만, 경영 위기 때마다 노동자를 희생 시켜 위기를 넘겼다. 두산중공업지회 조합원들은 박씨 일가를 경영에서 배제하고 구조조정을 중단하라며 투쟁하고 있다.
S&T중공업은 물량 부족을 핑계로 지난 1년 6개월 동안 정규직 노동자를 휴직시켰다. 오는 7월 1일부터 정상 근무를 예정했다. 사측은 사내하청 노동자를 해고하고 공정을 인소싱하겠다고 발표했다. S&T그룹은 코로나 19로 경영 위기가 왔다고 핑계를 대지만, 1/4분기에 36억 원의 흑자를 냈고, 사내 유보금 5,738억 원을 쌓아두고 있다.
지난해 연이은 보잉 맥스의 추락사고와 코로나 19 여파로 보잉사와 에어버스가 생산을 중단했다. 이 때문에 사천항공산업단지도 공장 가동을 멈췄다. 생존 위기에 몰린 노동자들은 특별고용지원업종 지정과 산업위기대응특별지역 선정을 요구하고 있지만, 정부는 고용유지 지원 결정을 미루고 있다.
입력한 댓글이 검토를 기다리고 있습니다.
In today’s digital vista, businesses necessity to settle a strong online presence to thrive. SEO services play a decisive role in enhancing visibility on search engines, driving basic traffic, and at the last increasing conversions. Concordat the miscellaneous aspects of SEO can frame a substantial difference in your business’s online success.
What are SEO Services?
SEO services encompass a range of strategies and techniques aimed at improving your website’s ranking on search apparatus results pages (SERPs). These services can include:
– Keyword Inquiry: Identifying the right keywords that implicit customers are using to lay one’s hands on products or services like yours.
– On-page Optimization: Enhancing miscellaneous elements on your website, including measure ingredients, meta tags, and images, to make them more search engine-friendly.
– Off-page Optimization: Building backlinks from reputable websites to into the bargain your neighbourhood’s authority and trustworthiness.
– Mechanical SEO: Improving the specialized aspects of your website, such as orientation speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability.
– Satisfaction Origin: Developing high-quality, relevant content that addresses the needs of your audience and aligns with your SEO strategy.
Benefits of SEO Services
1. Increased Visibility: A well-optimized website is more likely to figure on the before point of search results, supreme to higher visibility among developing customers.
2. Cost-Effective Marketing: To paid advertising, SEO offers long-term benefits. Integral transport is day in and day out more cost-effective than paying fitted clicks.
3. Improved Consumer Involvement: SEO services repeatedly well- on enhancing the complete narcotic addict experience on a website, leading to longer visit durations and lower recoil rates.
4. Higher Conversion Rates: By attracting targeted transportation, SEO services can significantly improve conversion rates, turning visitors into customers.
Choosing the Morality SEO Usage Provider
When selecting an SEO advantage provider, observe the following:
– Endure [url=http://bbs.zhizhuyx.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=12261197]http://bbs.zhizhuyx.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=12261197[/url] and Stature: Look exchange for a partnership with a proven track report in successfully optimizing websites in your industry.
– Customized Strategies: Choose a provider that tailors its strategies to come across your explicit business needs and goals.
– Transparency: Secure the provider is straightforward less their processes and provides typical updates on proceeding and results.
Investing in SEO services is not upright about improving rankings; it’s about driving relevant transport, enhancing user circumstance, and after all is said growing your business. With the power SEO strategies in occur, your duty can accomplish a signal online bearing, best to increased sales and customer loyalty. Work together with an experienced SEO aid provider to sail the complexities of digital marketing and carry out your job objectives.
입력한 댓글이 검토를 기다리고 있습니다.
In today’s digital view, businesses need to settle a strong online presence to thrive. SEO services play a decisive place in enhancing visibility on search engines, driving inborn traffic, and finally increasing conversions. Understanding the miscellaneous aspects of SEO can run for it a substantial conflict in your vocation’s online success.
What are SEO Services?
SEO services encompass a range of strategies and techniques aimed at improving your website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). These services can subsume:
– Keyword Delving: Identifying the correct keywords that what it takes customers are using to gain products or services like yours.
– On-page Optimization: Enhancing miscellaneous elements on your website, including substance, meta tags, and images, to make them more search engine-friendly.
– Off-page Optimization: Construction backlinks from respectable websites to into the bargain your situation’s prerogative and trustworthiness.
– Polytechnic SEO: Improving the specialized aspects of your website, such as locale speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability.
– Gratification Origin: Developing high-quality, suited content that addresses the needs of your audience and aligns with your SEO strategy.
Benefits of SEO Services
1. Increased Visibility: A well-optimized website is more appropriate to crop on the first page of search results, outstanding to higher visibility entirety budding customers.
2. Cost-Effective Marketing: Unlike paid advertising, SEO offers long-term benefits. Breathing traffic is often more cost-effective than paying for clicks.
3. Improved Consumer Sense: SEO services repeatedly well- on enhancing the all-inclusive operator experience on a website, supreme to longer fall upon durations and demean recoil rates.
4. Higher Conversion Rates: By means of attracting targeted shipping, SEO services can significantly improve conversion rates, turning visitors into customers.
Choosing the Fix SEO Serving Provider
When selecting an SEO advantage provider, contemplate on the following:
– Experience [url=http://www.zgqsz.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=594352]http://www.zgqsz.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=594352[/url] and Reputation: Look exchange for a presence with a proven path data in successfully optimizing websites in your industry.
– Customized Strategies: Prefer a provider that tailors its strategies to meet your specified affair needs and goals.
– Transparency: Ensure the provider is transparent to their processes and provides steady updates on proceeding and results.
Investing in SEO services is not justified less improving rankings; it’s helter-skelter driving relevant transportation, enhancing user familiarity, and ultimately growing your business. With the right SEO strategies in occur, your province can carry out a significant online association, chief to increased sales and purchaser loyalty. Work together with an sophisticated SEO repair provider to cruise the complexities of digital marketing and complete your job objectives.
입력한 댓글이 검토를 기다리고 있습니다.
In today’s digital prospect, businesses call for to institute a truculently online presence to thrive. SEO services simulate a decisive function in enhancing visibility on search engines, driving organic see trade, and finally increasing conversions. Understanding the various aspects of SEO can manufacture a significant conflict in your topic’s online success.
What are SEO Services?
SEO services encompass a range of strategies and techniques aimed at improving your website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). These services can subsume:
– Keyword Delving: Identifying the preferred keywords that what it takes customers are using to locate products or services like yours.
– On-page Optimization: Enhancing diversified elements on your website, including substance, meta tags, and images, to make them more search engine-friendly.
– Off-page Optimization: Building backlinks from reputable websites to boost your neighbourhood’s authority and trustworthiness.
– Mechanical SEO: Improving the technological aspects of your website, such as locale make haste, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability.
– Content Formation: Developing high-quality, pertinent load that addresses the needs of your audience and aligns with your SEO strategy.
Benefits of SEO Services
1. Increased Visibility: A well-optimized website is more appropriate to come on the at the outset folio of search results, primary to higher visibility come up to b become potential customers.
2. Cost-Effective Marketing: Untypical paid advertising, SEO offers long-term benefits. Organic traffic is on numerous occasions more cost-effective than paying in support of clicks.
3. Improved Purchaser Sense: SEO services instances focus on enhancing the all-inclusive operator experience on a website, paramount to longer by durations and stoop bounce rates.
4. Higher Conversion Rates: Next to attracting targeted conveyance, SEO services can significantly improve conversion rates, turning visitors into customers.
Choosing the Fix SEO Use Provider
When selecting an SEO service provider, contemplate on the following:
– Involvement [url=http://doctor-read.xyz/valuable-information/?unapproved=165487&moderation-hash=fcdafdea47388fc9bb42242a5da38e4e#comment-165487]http://doctor-read.xyz/valuable-information/?unapproved=165487&moderation-hash=fcdafdea47388fc9bb42242a5da38e4e#comment-165487[/url] and Name: Look for the benefit of a company with a proven footmarks record in successfully optimizing websites in your industry.
– Customized Strategies: Choose a provider that tailors its strategies to collect your specific trade needs and goals.
– Transparency: Ensure the provider is straightforward give their processes and provides typical updates on progress and results.
Investing in SEO services is not equitable less improving rankings; it’s close by driving apposite conveyance, enhancing buyer experience, and ultimately growing your business. With the power SEO strategies in place, your trade can achieve a noteworthy online manifestness, pre-eminent to increased sales and customer loyalty. Work together with an experienced SEO aid provider to manoeuvre the complexities of digital marketing and complete your business objectives.
입력한 댓글이 검토를 기다리고 있습니다.
In today’s digital vista, businesses lack to start a undiluted online adjacency to thrive. SEO services rival a vital impersonation in enhancing visibility on search engines, driving consistent movement, and at the end of the day increasing conversions. Bargain the heterogeneous aspects of SEO can manufacture a significant dissimilitude in your responsibility’s online success.
What are SEO Services?
SEO services encompass a tier of strategies and techniques aimed at improving your website’s ranking on search apparatus results pages (SERPs). These services can embody:
– Keyword Inquiry: Identifying the open keywords that covert customers are using to find products or services like yours.
– On-page Optimization: Enhancing many elements on your website, including measure ingredients, meta tags, and images, to dream them more search engine-friendly.
– Off-page Optimization: Erection backlinks from dependable websites to help your locality’s authority and trustworthiness.
– Technical SEO: Improving the technical aspects of your website, such as situate make haste, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability.
– Gratification Creation: Developing high-quality, pertinent load that addresses the needs of your audience and aligns with your SEO strategy.
Benefits of SEO Services
1. Increased Visibility: A well-optimized website is more appropriate to figure on the at the start recto of search results, outstanding to higher visibility among budding customers.
2. Cost-Effective Marketing: Untypical paid advertising, SEO offers long-term benefits. Breathing traffic is day in and day out more cost-effective than paying representing clicks.
3. Improved User Sense: SEO services repeatedly concentrate on enhancing the all-inclusive narcotic addict go through on a website, supreme to longer stay durations and lower bounce rates.
4. Higher Conversion Rates: By attracting targeted transportation, SEO services can significantly recondition conversion rates, turning visitors into customers.
Choosing the Fix SEO Use Provider
When selecting an SEO service provider, contemplate on the following:
– Experience [url=https://jsbyxw.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=2740]https://jsbyxw.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=2740[/url] and Notorious: Look for a presence with a proven track data in successfully optimizing websites in your industry.
– Customized Strategies: Prefer a provider that tailors its strategies to come across your explicit business needs and goals.
– Transparency: Effect the provider is transparent give their processes and provides standard updates on proceeding and results.
Investing in SEO services is not equitable less improving rankings; it’s helter-skelter driving relevant conveyance, enhancing buyer circumstance, and at the last growing your business. With the fitting SEO strategies in part of the country, your duty can achieve a noteworthy online presence, pre-eminent to increased sales and customer loyalty. Cooperate with an experienced SEO service provider to navigate the complexities of digital marketing and achieve your vocation objectives.
입력한 댓글이 검토를 기다리고 있습니다.
In today’s digital vista, businesses need to start a sharp online manifestness to thrive. SEO services play a major place in enhancing visibility on search engines, driving inborn see trade, and ultimately increasing conversions. Compact the diverse aspects of SEO can make a significant difference in your responsibility’s online success.
What are SEO Services?
SEO services encompass a tier of strategies and techniques aimed at improving your website’s ranking on search motor results pages (SERPs). These services can subsume:
– Keyword Research: Identifying the open keywords that what it takes customers are using to gain products or services like yours.
– On-page Optimization: Enhancing many elements on your website, including content, meta tags, and images, to make them more search engine-friendly.
– Off-page Optimization: Construction backlinks from trusted websites to help your locality’s police and trustworthiness.
– Technical SEO: Improving the specialized aspects of your website, such as situate rapidity, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability.
– Components Origin: Developing high-quality, relevant substance that addresses the needs of your audience and aligns with your SEO strategy.
Benefits of SEO Services
1. Increased Visibility: A well-optimized website is more likely to come on the at the start recto of search results, supreme to higher visibility among concealed customers.
2. Cost-Effective Marketing: Divergent from paid advertising, SEO offers long-term benefits. Integral freight is day in and day out more cost-effective than paying fitted clicks.
3. Improved Consumer Involvement: SEO services over again heart on enhancing the all-embracing operator experience on a website, paramount to longer visit durations and lop off rebound rates.
4. Higher Conversion Rates: At hand attracting targeted shipping, SEO services can significantly recondition conversion rates, turning visitors into customers.
Choosing the Accurate SEO Use Provider
When selecting an SEO overhaul provider, observe the following:
– Savoir vivre [url=http://farsrig.com/index.php?subaction=userinfo&user=iwujumap]http://farsrig.com/index.php?subaction=userinfo&user=iwujumap[/url] and Name: Look for a party with a proven footmarks report in successfully optimizing websites in your industry.
– Customized Strategies: Decide a provider that tailors its strategies to come across your individual to trade needs and goals.
– Transparency: Protect the provider is straightforward about their processes and provides typical updates on bourgeon and results.
Investing in SEO services is not just fro improving rankings; it’s close by driving applicable transport, enhancing user happening, and ultimately growing your business. With the power SEO strategies in ok, your business can get a valued online association, leading to increased sales and customer loyalty. Cooperate with an experienced SEO service provider to sail the complexities of digital marketing and complete your trade objectives.